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Process has found a publisher!

When people ask me how Process started, I often tell them: stress. When medical school started, I realized very quickly just how rigorous the coming years were going to be. Finding balance was often challenging but as time went on, I found ways to stay sane. I became less of a perfectionist (which in this case was a good thing), cooked a bunch, and thankfully, discovered poetry. These mechanisms worked fairly well but without much real rest, by end of my second year (and especially after studying for the USMLE Step 1), I was both mentally and emotionally exhausted.

So, as I am want to do, I turned to words and decided that I would compile an anthology of reflections from medical trainees focusing on their lived experiences of medical training.

Compiling the anthology has been a lesson in perseverance, balance and courage. I have

also learned a fair amount about finding joy in the process and not withholding

celebration till the end (quite apt given the anthology's title, no?).

Last week, I received an email from the editor of University Press of New England saying they had decided to publish the book! What wonderful news!

I am grateful to everyone who has contributed to the anthology thus far, whether by submitting reflections or spreading the word. There is still a lot of work to be done and the publishing deal is contingent on turning in a satisfactory final manuscript, so we move.

But not before celebrating in high-pitched screams:


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